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e-News February 2010
"You are today where you thoughts brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you..." James Allen

Goals for 2010

lrkey Personal goals for 2010
lrkey Team goals for 2010
lrkey Conferences and meetings

The key to personal and work success in 2010 is focussing on just a few important personal and work goals that will help you and your team make the biggest breakthrough.

The following links point to ways in which individuals and work teams can develop a 20/20 focus for 2010.

Best wishes for 2010.

Lyall Lukey, Director



focus Focus on your Future Recharge your energy and rebalance all areas of your life through this simple but effective personal goal-setting and goal-getting programme which will help you achieve more, more easily, in less time.
Register now for the next open courses: Thursday 25 February or Thursday 22 April

2020vision 20/20 team vision for 2010 Accelerated planning sessions to develop your team's 2010 vision and strategy. We organise and/or facilitate leadership planning meetings and retreats.

conference Conferences and meetings Want some design or production help for an upcoming event? We have run more than a hundred conferences and events. We have access to a wide range of motivating speakers, workshop facilitators, MCs and entertainers.

E-mail us to arrange a no obligation discussion on getting the New Year off to a positive start.

Lukey Resources & SmartNet

Mancan House, 236 Manchester St


Ph 03 366 7874

Fax 03 3667807



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