Craig McDowell
M.Tch.Ln, B.Sc (Hons), Dip Ed Man, Dip Teaching (Distinction)
Craig is a leadership learning and development coach and facilitator.
He has previously been a Leadership and Management Adviser at University
of Canterbury. He has developed a specialisation and high level of knowledge
in coaching and mentoring in a variety of sectors - business and education.
He has individually coached business leaders and been involved as a coach
in two significant developmental programmes:
1. Advanced Leadership e.g. CEO's, General Managers, Clinical Director
of DHB, and
2. Federated Farmers programme: Advocacy, Influence and Outcomes e.g.
Chairpersons of branches, Senior Policy Advisers.
He is an accredited coach with both The Leadership Circle and Team Management
Services. Other areas of leadership he works in include: team development,
adaptive leadership and change, collaboration, emotional intelligence,
and strategic planning.
As an experienced educator with wide and varied leadership experiences
over 25 years in New Zealand, Canada and United States, Craig has presented
at national and international conferences. He has a passion for and expertise
with experiential learning which derives from his extensive outdoor and
sporting experiences, including being the School Director of Outward Bound
New Zealand.
us to arrange
a free no obligation discussion
with Craig