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The living, learning organisation





Courses & Workshops

Goal Setting & Motivation

The Focus on Your Future® programme is a simple but effective goal-setting and goal-getting process developed and facilitated by Lyall Lukey which enables participants to achieve more, in less time, in all areas of life. ...more>

The SilverFocus programme provides third age navigation tools for mature people who may be approaching retirement or who may want to be "retyred", that is get some new traction and satisfaction in life …more

Sales Success in Tough Times

This customised in-house programme combines fresh 21st century digital marketing insights with a better understanding of basic sales and self-management principles.  It provides practical resources for business owners, sales professionals and sales support team members to navigate their way to profitable new business. ...more>

Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a well-developed process for examining the people-based systems in your organisation and maximising their performance. It is about harnessing the power of all the people in your organisation. ...more>

Effective Presentations

Increase your confidence and competence in making group presentations in the workplace, the marketplace or the community. ...more>

Contact us for a free, no obligation Organisation Development needs discussion.