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Sales Success in Tough Times

"Customers' buying processes have evolved in our world of ubiquitous, instant, global communication....but companies' selling processes have for the most part stayed the same." Harvard Business Review, August 2006

Lightning fast search engines and internet knowledge sharing have turned the marketing and sales process on its head.  Buyers have been getting smarter quicker than sellers.  Bridging the buying/selling gap is essential if you are to maintain or increase your market share in tough times.

Sales Success in Tough Times
This is a customised in-house programme which combines 21st century digital marketing insights and the principles and practices of professional selling.  Sales Success in Tough Times provides practical resources for sales managers, sales professionals and sales support team members to retain present clients and win new business.

The programme focuses on equipping your sales people to pick up on the buying behaviour generated by your marketing initiatives so that you and not you competitors get the business by practising the principles of Professional Selling.

It incorporates a Sales Simulator to add realism.  It also features tracking metrics which track the causes of sales not merely sales results so that corrective action can be taken early.
Contact us for in house options

Optional modules include:


Sales Success Assessment Workshop

DIY Sales Coaching Resources

Contact us for in house options