Improving Performance
Top sports teams don't see training as an optional extra: it is deemed to be essential
to their success. In business training, as in sport, the key is to focus
on upcoming challenges.
Business training and coaching have to fit into the organisation's strategic
direction and values and need to demonstrate that they make a real difference.
can be intellectual giants but performance pygmies. The outcome sought
is not more head knowledge but better performance in key areas. The
focus should be on real opportunities and issues.
in the workplace and the marketplace is the key. Spaced reinforcement
builds performance momentum as does the regular use of resources which
turn principles into practice.
We use action learning techniques, plus on-going coaching
or online support where appropriate, to reinforce learning messages.
Assessment Tools
support organisations working through people
development challenges. Our associates have access to a wide
range of human resources development (HRD) tools.
Needs Analysis
One of our
consultants can engage with your senior management or team leaders to
map strategic capabilities and identify learning and development needs.
As in medicine, the key is correct diagnosis. We use Skill
Indicators and other diagnostic techniques to customise training and
coaching programmes for individuals and teams.
us for a free no obligation Learning & Development
needs consultation
Organisations thrive when people turn experience into learning. Managers
need to have a safe context to reflect on both the detail of their own performance
and the big picture. In this way they can learn from all experience,
positive or negative.
us for a free consultation
In any work place, people seek feedback about their strengths, areas for development
and preferences. Their preferences will define the roles that they are suitable
for and will enjoy. The challenge for managers and leaders of organisations
to develop the self understanding of their staff.
us for a free consultation
staff training needs to be on the job training and coaching in systems,
procedures, knowledge sharing and specific job skills.
We can work as your virtual Learning & Development team on your real
world, real time opportunities, problems an issues. Your people learn
and grow in their own environment. You save time, travel and other
cost and do what you do best.
us for a free
People Development
needs consultation