Lukey Resources header image

key Learning Resources Production

"Key adj... crucial, essential, important, leading, necessary "
"Resources n. means of supplying what is needed, stock that can be drawn on, collective sources of wealth."

We are producers of a range of stimulating digital learning resources. These can be delivered by our facilitators or yours via live and/or on-line training programmes.

We have a range of our own copyrighted print and multi-media learning resources which may be able to be adapted to fit your organisation. Alternatively, we can repurpose and update your existing content to make it more accessible via new media.  

Video Production

Lukey Resources has produced many training and promotional videos and we work in collaboration with state of the art video production companies to realise our original training and corporate concepts.

Some samples: 

SmartNet - Overview
Bill Day
- Innovation 
Andy LarkNon Linear Marketing

Contact us to discuss your requirements.