Meetings and Conferences
Business meetings, conferences and special events should be forums for fruitful discussions and springboards for action.
As the co-ordinators of more than 100 SmartNet events
(view feedback) we
can add dynamism to your next conference or meeting by assisting
with programme design,
speakers and much more.
We have a proven track record in creating and delivering concepts
for more than 100 cross sector business events run throughout New
Zealand under the
SmartNet umbrella since 1997, plus many other third party events.
(view video feedback)
have recognised expertise in planning and stage managing events,
handling public relations and other key pre- and post- event
activities. We can help you identify the business or learning
outcomes you require and develop an action plan to deliver it.
We also
Leaders Retreats which offer quality time and space for
board members and senior managers to view the rapidly changing 'big
picture' and plan the way forward.
For your next meeting or workshop - large or small consider these topics
us for a free, no obligation meeting or conference
planning discussion