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key Mentoring

Our approach to management mentoring provides a robust and successful way for leaders in organisations to see their own and their organisation's performance through new eyes.

Management mentoring is a regular contracted time with a mentor who provides a safe, non-judging collegial context, and who has expertise in recognizing the subtle ways in which our perceptions become clouded and conditioned by how we frame issues and by other factors that interfere.  It provides opportunity to identify strengths and learning needs and to consider startegies and tools to enhance management practice.

By using a professional mentor managers will begin to see with fresh eyes and turn the messiness of experience into personal and corporate learning.

The theoretical framework for our approach brings together the insights around the Reflective Practitioner (Argyris and Schon) and learnings developed from the world of counselling, therapy and pastoral care around Professional Supervision.  Tools, models and strategies from the fields of organisation development, organisational learning , and inter-personal and group dynamics are offered as appropriate.

Our experienced professional mentor is Craig McDowell.

Contact us about our Mentoring Services