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The living, learning organisation

Our People

Michael Sampson

Michael Sampson is a Collaboration Strategist. He helps end-user organizations in New Zealand, Australia, the United States, Europe and other places around the world improve the performance of distributed teams.

Michael holds an MCom with first class honors in telecommunications-based IT, from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, and is working on his doctorate in collaborative applications and virtual teams.

Michael lives in New Zealand with his glorious wife and nine children.

Beyond client engagements and workshops, Michael shares his research on collaboration strategy through multiple avenues:

 His blog.

 Independent reports and articles, on key aspects of collaboration strategy.

Books on collaboration strategy. Eg, Seamless Teamwork (using SharePoint for collaboration), and SharePoint Roadmap for Collaboration (enhancing collaboration with SharePoint). He is currently working on a third book, a more general treatment of collaboration strategy.

 Presentations at conferences around the world, both in-person and remotely.

Is SharePoint unstoppable, or mostly smoke and mirrors?

Read article by Eric Lai from the ComputerWorld magazine 27 October 09

Michael is keen to hearing about your work, and how he might be able to help.

Contact us now