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key Trainers

margaretflanagan Margaret Flanagan is an expert of facilitaion in the areas of One to One Communications, Effective Presentations, Public Speaking, Training the Trainer, Conflict Management and Handling Difficult Customers. ...more>
msampson Michael Sampson is a Collaboration Strategist. He helps end-user organizations in New Zealand, Australia, the United States, Europe and other places around the world improve the performance of distributed teams. ...more>
Alison Mooney is a leading authority on Personality Plus - a profiling system that helps us to understand ourselves and communicate more effectively with others. She can act as a trainer in your workplace or as a speaker at your next conference. ...more>
lyall Lyall Lukey is the Managing Director of Lyall Lukey Resources Ltd.  He is the originator and facilitator of the Focus Self Management Programme and the Quest Professional Selling Workshop. ...more>

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